HELSINKI- Herttoniemenranta, Lauttasaari, Laajasalo
ESPOO - Tapiola
Why French and why now?
The younger your children are, the better it is to introduce them to a foreign language. And by the way, did you know that French is supposed to become the world's most spoken language by the year 2050?
We use an efficient, easy, fun and motivating teaching method where your children pick up French with you in a family surrounding.
Learn/practice French with your child
We have started a French Club and modules for non-French speaking families as well as workshops for French speaking or "shaky" French speaking children where parents are not left aside!

French club for families
Ranskan kielen Perhekerho
Come to learn French and share happy moments with your 3 to 8-year-old!
Welcome to all children and adults from beginner to advanced level!

French for 9 t 12 years old
without their parents.
Come to learn and practice your French, make new friends and have fun through games, pop songs, collective activities, crafts, yoga, etc. (content adapted to participants)

Designed or babies and toddlers under 3 with their parents.
This group is open to everyone.
People who do not speak any French at all are as welcome as the ones who already speak fluently.
Français langue maternelle - pour écoliers francophones. Informations: ici

Workshop for French speaking families
Atelier Jeu d'enfants
Votre enfant a entre 3 et 8 ans? Vous souhaitez le motiver à parler français? Bienvenue à notre atelier pour francophones et semi-francophones !

Private and semi-private French lessons for families
Ranskan kielen Perhekurssit
Family-French for your family. Private lessons at home.
Friend-French for your family together with another family.
Read comments from participating families here!