French for adults


Spontaneous comments from participants

"Oli hauskaa saada olla mukana kivassa ryhmässä ja olihan opettajakin niin mukava ja positiivinen!"

To the teacher

"Kiitos Sinulle inspiroivasta ja mukavahenkisestä kurssista. Oli hauskaa joka kerta."

For adults with a child's heart

Lauttasaari - Church premises


This course aims to emphasize oral communication. Its content is tailored together at the beginning of the season, and is regularly adjusted according to participant's needs.

We learn through board games, study of French music, singing when we feel like it (you need to if you don't want to), role playing games about real life situations, maybe a little "jumppa" (if you decide to). We want to create a really nice group spirit, and have fun in French. You are very welcome to come up with more ideas.

Come as you are. Welcome along!

Kotisivun virittää Audrey Ahtikari - Franscape (Tmi)
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